Why mySecretWindow?

Why MySecretWindow?
This was my first domain that I got while studying coding at Capital School of Multimedia in 2000. I needed something to practice on. I started writing in english in the hopes that my US-family would read it. At that point in time I also had a few webcams at home. I and Mika were learning about streaming. The pages from back then was not in blog format but straight up HTML so I´ve just moved a few to WordPress when I set that up. So all my little ramblings from back in 2000 is lost or well MAYBE in some backup file. I´ve kept the domain for nostalgic reasons and the email, but also to use it for practice keeping up my skills. Back in the days when I first started with WordPress there just were no themes worth the name available so I built my own this is a modern version of my old designs, but it´s the default WP theme and it just don´t cut it so maybe I will once again build my own just to keep the skills.
Design Examples over the years.
Here are a few of the designs that I still had on the server for MySecretWinodw.se They were used on both domains. And all but the latest one was built by me from scratch both coding and design. I´ve also added this last one that I haven´t built myself only designed the image and the collection shows that I´ve been found top view desktops in my personal blogdesigns over the years. Now working with this theme I´m finding that I´m missing a lot. maybe I´ll have to start building again to get a cleaner more modern look that has everything I require from a theme.