Weather: Mystical… it seems it doesn’t know what it wants to be
At the dinner table: Tender flié
Wearing: Well tried my new bikini and bathing suite
Contemplating: Weight…
Plus: I’ve lost half a kg …again …yay!
Minus: Well new bikini of coures 🙂
Arkiverat under : Chit chat den 27 June, 2005 | Kommentera »
Weather: Well let’s say it’s summer alright…
At the dinner table: WE’re planning to BBQ…and B-day cake ofcoures…
Wearing: A new tanktop my mom gave me for my b-day
Contemplating: Not much… I’m just enjoying the moment
Plus: A new addition to my kitchen! Mika bought me exactly what I asked for Probably me as I will gain a lot of weight from slipping from my diet … but today it’s OK
Minus: It’s almost too hot to be comfortable
Arkiverat under : Chit chat den 24 June, 2005 | Kommentera »
Weather: Cool and fresh but that is only because it’s close to midnight…
At the dinner table: Chicken sallad… not enough callories today but hey tomorrow it will be cake as I turn 35
Wearing: Soon nothing as I will take a bath
Contemplating: That I’m a lazy butt when it comes to updates and that I need to connect the cam again
Plus: I got off work early today as we selobrate Midsummer in Sweden tomorrow
Minus: I don’t have enough t-shirts
Arkiverat under : Chit chat den 23 June, 2005 | Kommentera »
Not much of a blog entry as I only moved the right now section… so I’m not going to call this an updat 😉
Weather: Insane! The other day I wondered where was summer and now I found it!!!
At the dinner table: something light I just spent 500 calories on an icecream
Wearing: Well more than I wish I was…Hot hot hot
Contemplating: Why my fiance think I would look redicoulus on this maybe I should go for this?
Plus: Well not me, I lost 2 kg last week.
Minus: Still not feeling 100%
Arkiverat under : Chit chat den 22 May, 2005 | Kommentera »
…when you live in the boonies you forget how expensive things are in the city, for example… so far we still have a car… that means that if we drive outside the city to buy milk and buy 5 liter (1.32 gallon US) of milk it will have payed for the gas to the store and back everything else is just bonus…
Arkiverat under : Chit chat den 15 May, 2005 | Kommentera »
… and at the moment I’m showing off our terrible kitchen on cam… or is it just kitsh? You haven’t seen the yellow flowers on the wall… And guess what our landlord doesn’t want us to paint the kitchen… how weird is that?
Arkiverat under : Chit chat den 11 May, 2005 | Kommentera »
 Well moving back to Stockholm after a few years in Enköping feels strange as we’re moving to a MUCH smaller place… to a one room apartment… but hey that is the price you pay for living in the city.
So now we’re selling all our furniture… The couches in the livingroom are gone, our office furinture will go tonight..anybody want a solid oaktabel with 6 chairs? it’s going too… All we’re keeping really is the bed… after all sleep is very important! Our bedroom has not been in the public eye before but here you get a sneek peak!
Arkiverat under : Chit chat den 20 April, 2005 | Kommentera »
1. I was born at “Karolinska sjukhuset”, Stockholm.
2. I was born with long black hair.
3. I had a terrific childhood.
4. My parents got divorced when I was 15.
5. I’ve lived in Florida for a year.
6. I used to be scared of cats.
7. I love snow.
8. I hate cold.
9. I used to hate to cook.
10. I now love cats and like to cook.
11. I’m on a diet, but find it important to eat.
12. I hate betrayal.
13. I sometimes forget to eat and drink.
14. I love Coca-Cola but can’t drink it because of calories.
15. I hate to work out but wish my body was more toned.
16. My favorite non-color is black.
17. I like to keep my nails long.
18. If I was rich I would wear more leather.
19. When I was a kid I wanted to be a pilot.
20. Now I want to be a psychologist or an interior designer/decorator.
21. I prefer contacts.
22. I feel best with makeup.
23. But hardly wear it right now.
24. I collect Coca-Cola stuff.
25. My drivers school teacher said:
“If you end up in an accident it most likely will not be caused by you.”
26. I can’t sell my art because if it’s good enough to sell I want to keep it.
27. There are two people I hate.
28. I wish more online stores would ship to Sweden.
29. I used to be skinny.
30. I think one of the biggest inventions is the dishwasher.
31. I would like to have my own talk show like Oprah.
32. I don’t have a home phone just a cellphone.
33. People tell me I have great taste.
34. I wish me and my mom got along better.
35. I love both my parents very much.
36. I hope to have a kid one-day.
37. A girl would be named Linnea.
38. A boy would be named Marcus.
39. I have a nosebleed at least 150day/year.
40. I wish I could spend 2-3 months/year in some warm country
41. I only wear gold jewelry.
42. It’s been over a year since I wore a watch.
43. Mikas best friend thought I was insane the first time we met.
44. My taste is too expensive for my economy.
45. I wish I had nicer hair.
46. I’m proud to have sold several sites to different companies.
47. I’m a camera addict.
48. When I was younger I couldn’t cry.
49. Now days I cry for nothing.
50. I’m a sexual person.
51. I’ve got dry skin yet I get zits.
52. I play “lotto” every week.
53. About that I say “If you don’t play you can’t complain that you never win”.
54. My favorite color is green.
55. I feel that what I do has little impact on the world.
56. Yet I recycle bottles, cans, glass and paper.
57. I think I’m starting to look old.
58. I’m constantly broke.
59. I miss American junk food
60. Junk food made me BIG.
61. I hate slow Internet connections.
62. I forget to return phone calls.
63. And I’m ashamed of that.
64. I can’t remember birthdays.
65. Between age 18 and 30 there are hardly any pictures of me.
66. In a crowd I put myself in the background.
67. I’m a watcher.
68. I like men that give of themselves.
69. I want to visit Japan one day.
70. I love red wine.
71. I enjoy sleeping.
72. And I don’t feel sleeping through a day is wasting time, I’m doing something I love.
73. I like window-shopping.
74. And “windows shopping” (looking through online stores).
75. I made a decision that I would never ever lie not even a “white” lie.
76. I don’t trust doctors.
77. I’m so scared of needles I did a root canal without anaesthetic.
78. I wish I could be here to see how we evolved in a million years from now.
79. To watch “the Matrix” was like seeing my childhood thoughts put to life.
80. I used to have “Phone-phobia”.
81. But I cured that by working as a marketing research interviewer.
82. I have a voice men fall for over the phone.
83. I hate being under water.
84. Right now I use garlic in almost all my food.
85. I love burning candles.
86. Our cats prevent me from doing that.
87. I’m far from a party princess.
88. Mika is the first man to spoil me with flowers.
89. Yet we don’t see ourselves as a couple.
90. I still love the smell of cigarettes.
91. My first love was Stefan; I was around 3 years old.
92. I had two pets as a kid.
93. A miniature rabbit and a yorkshireterrier.
94. Now I have 3 cats with Mika.
95. I think we should have a fourth.
96. I think relationships should be based on caring about each other.
97. I killed my stomach worrying about work.
98. If I drink I like really sour drinks wish is bad for my stomach.
99. I don’t believe in keeping secrets.
100. Yet I don’t tell people everything unless they ask.
101. I think most people are afraid to ask.
Arkiverat under : Lists den 6 March, 2004 | Kommentera »
The lady’s boudoir is the femme fatales lair. Through this entire site I allow you to catch a glimpse of that private room.
This room is for the lady to relax and contemplate gathering her thoughts so to speak. But it’s also a place for her and her intimate friends to indulge in strictly feminine pursuits.
A soft scent of her perfume might tickle anyone that dares to enter and the room reekes of her presence even though it might be hours since she was there.
You are on her private domains… By entering my site youtake a sneek peak into mine…
Arkiverat under : Chit chat den 7 March, 2002 | Kommentera »